Topology are always on hand to provide us with a fast efficient service, helping us develop and improve our website as our company grows. Their friendly reliable staff make working on projects together easy and simple. We would definitely recommend their service to other business looking for an excellent provider, who can get tasks completed quickly and hassle free! Thank you Topology!

- Asha Myuran (The Currency Account)

"...need high performance infrastructure with best-in-class service"
Topology MS services are built on leading edge technology that provides you with reliable, safe and secure infrastructure. We understand that time is of the essence for your business and so we can swiftly build you a production-ready infrastructure with the level of security and performance you require.

"the cloud will inevitably become the home for a good proportion of your IT services..."
Topology MS helps you to understand the opportunities in cloud and how to take advantage of them, tailored to your business requirements.Our cloud specialists have deep knowledge and understanding of the latest cloud-based technologies.
We provide fully managed cloud adoption services, helping customers with the planning, implementation of the latest cloud technologies, in addition to cloud migration projects.Once designed and built, your cloud can be replicated to your exact requirements to any location in the world.

"...Our cost effective and flexible approach focuses on helping companies of any size with customised SLA's"
Our service offerings are modular by design to provide you with the most flexibility possible. Whilst we apply standard best practices for all our projects, we also understand that each customer may have a unique situation; there is no "one size fits all". We are here as a resource to support your business – it is up to you how and to what degree you would like us to support you.

"...Whether you are a sole trader or a large multi-national organisation, Topology MS provides you with peace of mind and complete control..."
Over 95% of our customers continue to renew the service year-on-year. Responsiveness, depth of technical knowledge and 24 hour availability, Topology MS provides real value.

"...choose the most cost effective and efficient business continuity solution from the range of options available to you."
Business Continuity refers to your organisations ability to keep vital business operations running at a near normal capacity in the event of a infrastructure failure.
We understand that every company is unique, so our experienced consultants will thoroughly audit your IT system and analyse your business requirements before creating a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution that fits with your company's technical and commercial realities and budget.
Backup, disaster recovery and business continuity planning should be of paramount concern to all businesses. Improve your company's preparedness and resilience in the face of unexpected disasters with the creation of a comprehensive backup, disaster recovery and business continuity solution incorporating the latest technology and industry best practice.
Topology MS provides cost effective, fully managed backup and disaster recovery solutions tailored to your company's individual needs and including a combination of backup, clustering, replication and the latest cloud technologies.

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Our Expertise

  • 10 years track record
  • Networks of 10 - 500 PCs
  • Email Hosting
  • Web Hosting
  • Virtual Private Server
  • VDI - Virtual Desktop
  • Cloud Migration
  • Cloud Storage
  • EPoS
  • Windows, Mac and Linux
  • Complete IT managed service
  • Unlimited remote and onsite support
  • DR and business continuity advice
  • Migration to Office 365
  • Skype for Business
  • Hardware Consultancy